The following projects will be developed in the (near) future. Already, questions or comments on them are more than welcome. Also, if you find anything of particular interest, get in touch. The project may then be given higher priority.
Be Moved Every Day
- Life happens every day: Application of eMotion research beyond dancing or performing
- View of good posture ("Haltung"): a relation of body parts which allows a desired function with ease
- Invitation to deal with yourself -- not giving away responsibility: neither to food nor to physicians.
- Enjoy each movement, rather than fulfilling outside pictures.
- How to enjoy a step? -- Awareness of moving from one foot to the other.
Sing Your Way! -- Sound with eMotion
- Voice as part of the Energetic Presence: Express your own sound rather than Mozart's.
- Connection of breath to singing and movement: Don't walk your way, but sing it.
eMotion and Languages
- European Languages are sound languages.
- Aquire a descent accent in foreign languages such as English and possibly French by enjoying their unique sound and energy, rather than learning phrases, grammer or contents by heart.
- Attention may increase the perception of the value of the self.
- Physical as well as energetic attention can guide you to identify habits of self destruction.
- Attention can be in form of dance, shiatsu-like touch or simply sharing moments.
Masculine and Feminine Poles
- Indentify the nature of female and male essences, independet of the sex or gender of a particular person.
- Use this pole picture in dance as well as life.
- Combining arts and science in an original way
- Contemporary dance inspired by mathematical concepts
Rhythm Studies
- Rhythm as a projection of periodicity
- Feeling rather then hearing rhythm
Accent on Authenticity
- Perform by being free.
- The highest aim is doing nothing, but being moved.
eMotion Academy: Applied Art of Living
- Provide an "official" place to conduct research and provide formal trainings
- Organize seminars
- Invite speakers
eMotion and Mind
- Advise on patterns of thought and mental pictures of the self in order to enjoy life to the fullest.
- eMotion and Motivation
Maths Presentation and Information Structuring
- Offer talks and short workshops on views of Maths and information structuring to schools.